Friday, June 28, 2013



Elmina  castle  is  located   in  present  day  GHANA   in   West  Africa.  It  was  built  in  1482  by the Portugese   as  a trading  post  but    later  served as  a slave  trading  post.

Elmina  castle  is the  oldest  EUROPEAN  building  in  sub sahara  Africa.


It was  designed like most  West  African Slave    Fortresses built  during the slave trade era.   The castle consists of several sections.  The  upper levels  served  as  the  living  quarters of the  europeans, and  the governor's quarter was located at the topmost level.

The  slave dungeons  are below the upper levels of the castle and are often filthy and  cramped.   One cell can contain as  many  as 200 people at a time. At a time during the slave trade period , the castle held up to 1000 slaves.
Elmina  castle  is now   designated as  a  World  Heritage  Monument  by  UNESCO.

So  if you  are  visiting West  Africa     as  a  tourist,   ELMINA   CASTLE  should  be  on  your list.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


On  the 10th of  June, 2013  in  Abuja, Nigeria's  capital , this year's edition  of  African  Arts and  Crafts  Expo  will  open at  Eagle  Square.

About  17 foreign  countries within  Africa  and  beyond  Africa  will  participate in the Expo.

Artists  and  Crafts dealers will showcase their products to  both   International and  Local  visitors.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


AFRICA celebrated the 50th anniversary of the formation of AU  in the month of May this  year.  The  celebrations  began  on  the 24th of May, 2013 and ended on  27th May,2013.

  A  colloquium  and  exhibition on  AFRICAN  ROCK   ARTS  took  place.  African  rock  arts are priceless  and through them  history  and  past  achievements  of  african people  have been recorded.

 African  rock  arts   are  divided  into three broad  geographical zones namely, north  , central  and  southern.

  Enjoy  yourself  as  you explore  these  work  of arts.