Monday, November 11, 2013

             ZUMA  ROCK

Zuma  rock  is  a gigantic  rock  formation  and  a wonder  to look at.   It  is  located  in    Nigeria , along  Abuja  and  Kaduna road.

The rock  appears  differently when viewed from different  sides.  

If the rock is approached from  the northern side, it resembles a very  huge head with  a broken  nose.  When it  is  viewed  from the northwest it looks like  an  elephant crouching. 

So if  you are touring  Nigeria, Zuma  Rock is  a  good site to  visit. 



On  November 8, 2013  one  of   the  most  powerful  storms on record hit  the philipines.
 About  10,000 people were reportedly killed.  Many roads ,  homes, schools and airport were  damaged  in  Taclobancity.


Aid  agencies   are   calling  for  help.   Let  us  all  lend  a  helping    hand.

Friday, November 8, 2013

                    THINGS  I  SAW  AT   WINNERS  CHAPEL , OTA

 I   took  these pictures   during  my  visit  to the headquarters of   WINNERS  CHAPEL  at, OTA, in Nigeria. The church headquarter is popularly called  CAANANLAND.  The  church  auditorium  is  really big as reported. It  is  a 50,000  seats  auditorium.  I  manage to capture  a section  of  it.

 Please feed  your eyes.