Friday, October 25, 2013

                       SHARE   YOUR  STORY  AND  BE  INSPIRED

A  search  is going  on  in   Africa  for  the  most  INSPIRING  and  AMAZING  stories  of   how  the  WEB  and  GOOGLE  are  transforming  LIVES  in  Africa.

According   to  AFRICA CONNECTED,  the  organizer  of  this  competition , five  of the  MOST  inspiring stories  will  receive  $ 25,000  each  as well as   expert  assistance  from  " Google  Experts"  to  make their success even  greater.


Interested  individuals  should  visit   for further details.

Submission  of stories  closes  30th   October,2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

                                    LEKKI  CONSERVATION  CENTRE

  Just  few  kilometers  from  Victoria   Island   in  Lagos  is  LEKKI  CONSERVATION  CENTRE (LCC) a  foremost   conservation  project  site  of    Nigerian  Conservation  Foundation  ( NCF).  The  site occupies  a land  area of  78 hectares

The centre  is perfect  for TOURISTS   and   STUDENTS.

The  Lekki  Conservation  Centre is  divided into  two sections, the  OFFICE  BLOCKS  and  NATURE RESERVE AREAS.  The  nature reserve  area  cut  across  a  mosaic of  vegetation types  namely  secondary forest,  swamp forest  and savanna grassland.

A  two   kilometres  trail  BOARD WALK affords  visitors / tourists  the opportunity to see the  vast   resources of  the  nature reserve  such  as  a  swamp  out look, bird hide, the  tree house  and rest stops   

A   visit  to  the centre  will  definitely  inspire in  you  a  desire to  promote nature conservation  programmes in  your locality.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The    Obudu  Ranch  International  Mountain  Race  is  slated  to  hold  on  23rd  November,2013   according to the  Local  Organisation Committee  ( LOC) for the competition.  This year's  edition  is  the  9th    of the  competition  and  the venue is  the OBUDU  RANCH  RESORT  in  Cross River State ,  Nigeria. 

The  Obudu  Mountain  Race  is  considered  by  many  as  " the world's richest   mountain  race".  The  total  prize money  is $ 250,000 ( US DOLLARS).   The  winners  in the  Men and Women categories will receive $ 50,000  each.

According  to the  organizers  of the competition   world  class  athletes    and  local runners  have  registered  to  participate.

The  race  is  now in  the  calendar  of  the  WORLD MOUNTAIN  RUNNING ASSOCIATION (WMRA)    and    is  recognized  by   IAAF.


Many  foreign  tourists  are  expected  to  watch  the  competition  and  they  will  be  accommodated  in  the comfortable  Obudu  Ranch Resort  Chalets.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


This  year's  Most  Beautiful Girl  in  Nigeria  (MBGN)  2013   pageant finals  holds on Saturday , July 20th, 2013  in  Bayelsa  State, Southern  Nigeria, at  Banquet Hall  Government  House, Yenogoa

The  pageant  will  be  shown  live  on  SILVER BIRD  television  by  7pm   Local  time.

Viewers  can also  watch  it online  live  at

Most  Beautiful Girl in  Nigeria  Pageant  is  conducted  annually in Nigeria by SILVER BIRD GROUP.

The  winner of the pageant  represents  Nigeria  in the  MISS WORLD  beauty  pageant.

A   past winner of the  pageant, MISS  ABANI  DAREGO  went  on  to win  the  Miss   World  beauty  pageant in 2001  making  her the  FIRST  BLACK , Miss  World.

Photographs of  some the 2013    CONTESTANTS  on  Nigerian  Traditional  attires   are  shown  here for  your  entertainment.

Friday, June 28, 2013



Elmina  castle  is  located   in  present  day  GHANA   in   West  Africa.  It  was  built  in  1482  by the Portugese   as  a trading  post  but    later  served as  a slave  trading  post.

Elmina  castle  is the  oldest  EUROPEAN  building  in  sub sahara  Africa.


It was  designed like most  West  African Slave    Fortresses built  during the slave trade era.   The castle consists of several sections.  The  upper levels  served  as  the  living  quarters of the  europeans, and  the governor's quarter was located at the topmost level.

The  slave dungeons  are below the upper levels of the castle and are often filthy and  cramped.   One cell can contain as  many  as 200 people at a time. At a time during the slave trade period , the castle held up to 1000 slaves.
Elmina  castle  is now   designated as  a  World  Heritage  Monument  by  UNESCO.

So  if you  are  visiting West  Africa     as  a  tourist,   ELMINA   CASTLE  should  be  on  your list.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


On  the 10th of  June, 2013  in  Abuja, Nigeria's  capital , this year's edition  of  African  Arts and  Crafts  Expo  will  open at  Eagle  Square.

About  17 foreign  countries within  Africa  and  beyond  Africa  will  participate in the Expo.

Artists  and  Crafts dealers will showcase their products to  both   International and  Local  visitors.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


AFRICA celebrated the 50th anniversary of the formation of AU  in the month of May this  year.  The  celebrations  began  on  the 24th of May, 2013 and ended on  27th May,2013.

  A  colloquium  and  exhibition on  AFRICAN  ROCK   ARTS  took  place.  African  rock  arts are priceless  and through them  history  and  past  achievements  of  african people  have been recorded.

 African  rock  arts   are  divided  into three broad  geographical zones namely, north  , central  and  southern.

  Enjoy  yourself  as  you explore  these  work  of arts.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Obudu  Mountain  Resort  is  a  site  you must visit as a tourist in Nigeria.

Obudu  Mountain  Resort is in  Cross River State in Southern Nigeria   and it  is  located  on  a   plateau at an altitude of  1.7605m  above sea level.    The  resort  enjoys a climate and vegetation  typical of the temprate regions of the world.

The resort is a  five hour long drive  from the state capital CALABAR  or short flight away from  the state capital.

To finally get to the resort , you can take a car up the mountain or by cable car.

The accomodation in the resort are made up of several  comfortable guests  houses. While there expect to see breathtaking views of stunning mountain scenery. On  some days the  resort is completely covered in clouds.                                  

Major tourist attractions  at  the resort include the following, Waterfall,  Horse riding,  Golf course ( 9  hole)  Nature Reserve ( Canopy walk)   Mountain  Honey factory and  ancient  Anape  village.

 Obudu Mountain Resort also plays host  to the annual internationally recognized  Obudu Mountain Race




Sunday, January 11, 2009


Calabar carnival is fast becoming another tourist event in Africa.

This carnival, is an annual event and it takes place every December. The 2008 edition ended few weeks ago in Calabar and many tourists both foreign and local watched the carnival. This year's event was a show case of music, art, craft, dance and colourful costumes parade. The display of bands on parade reminds me of scenes from caribbean and London Nothingham carnival. The whole events were televised live via sitellite for foreign audience. The sponsorship of the government was a big boost to the organizers. The involvement of the govt improved security and other services.

According to the organizers, in the 2009 edition V.I.P stands will be provided around the routes and tickets will be sold on the internet.

Where is Calabar located?

Calabar is in Cross River state , Nigeria . The city is blessed with good environment for tourists to enjoy.

Tourists are attracted to calabar because it is quiet, peaceful and clean. Other places of interest within calabar environs are

Friday, January 2, 2009

Barbadians of African Descent Hear this

Barbadians of African descent hear this, There is a town in South West Nigeria named ILARO.

This town in Nigeria shares the same name with the court of the PRIME MINISTER OF Barbados.
You may say, it is a coincidence.

To me, this may not be a coincidence in name because most Barbadians are of Africian origin. This information may rather suggest that town ILARO in Nigeria may have been the place of Barbadians before they were taken to the CARIBBEANS.

Therefore, I encourage them to seek for more information about this town named ILARO