Tuesday, October 29, 2013


                              TRAGEDY    IN     SAHARA  DESERT


 On  Monday 28th  of  October, 2013,  35  out  of  60 Africans going  to  Europe   through  Niger  republic across the  SAHARA  DESERT  were  reported  dead  due  to  lack  of  water.

According  to  the  report , the  Africans  left   ARLIT  in   two  vehicles.  Along  the  way , one  of the vehicles broke  down  and  the  travellers  broke  into   small  groups  .

A   group started  walking  back  to get some spare parts for  the  vehicle. By  the time  they  got  to  Arlit  and  got some assistance from  the  army, it  was  too late for   those they left  behind.

Please,  i  would  appreciate   your comment  on  this  story.

Friday, October 25, 2013

                      MEMORABLE   QUOTE  on  Nature  Conservation


                             " Conservation  without  money  is  Conversation"
                                                      -- PRINCE  PHILIP  DUKE OF EDINBURGH

                       SHARE   YOUR  STORY  AND  BE  INSPIRED

A  search  is going  on  in   Africa  for  the  most  INSPIRING  and  AMAZING  stories  of   how  the  WEB  and  GOOGLE  are  transforming  LIVES  in  Africa.

According   to  AFRICA CONNECTED,  the  organizer  of  this  competition , five  of the  MOST  inspiring stories  will  receive  $ 25,000  each  as well as   expert  assistance  from  " Google  Experts"  to  make their success even  greater.


Interested  individuals  should  visit  www.africaconnected.com   for further details.

Submission  of stories  closes  30th   October,2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

                                    LEKKI  CONSERVATION  CENTRE

  Just  few  kilometers  from  Victoria   Island   in  Lagos  is  LEKKI  CONSERVATION  CENTRE (LCC) a  foremost   conservation  project  site  of    Nigerian  Conservation  Foundation  ( NCF).  The  site occupies  a land  area of  78 hectares

The centre  is perfect  for TOURISTS   and   STUDENTS.

The  Lekki  Conservation  Centre is  divided into  two sections, the  OFFICE  BLOCKS  and  NATURE RESERVE AREAS.  The  nature reserve  area  cut  across  a  mosaic of  vegetation types  namely  secondary forest,  swamp forest  and savanna grassland.

A  two   kilometres  trail  BOARD WALK affords  visitors / tourists  the opportunity to see the  vast   resources of  the  nature reserve  such  as  a  swamp  out look, bird hide, the  tree house  and rest stops   

A   visit  to  the centre  will  definitely  inspire in  you  a  desire to  promote nature conservation  programmes in  your locality.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The    Obudu  Ranch  International  Mountain  Race  is  slated  to  hold  on  23rd  November,2013   according to the  Local  Organisation Committee  ( LOC) for the competition.  This year's  edition  is  the  9th    of the  competition  and  the venue is  the OBUDU  RANCH  RESORT  in  Cross River State ,  Nigeria. 

The  Obudu  Mountain  Race  is  considered  by  many  as  " the world's richest   mountain  race".  The  total  prize money  is $ 250,000 ( US DOLLARS).   The  winners  in the  Men and Women categories will receive $ 50,000  each.

According  to the  organizers  of the competition   world  class  athletes    and  local runners  have  registered  to  participate.

The  race  is  now in  the  calendar  of  the  WORLD MOUNTAIN  RUNNING ASSOCIATION (WMRA)    and    is  recognized  by   IAAF.


Many  foreign  tourists  are  expected  to  watch  the  competition  and  they  will  be  accommodated  in  the comfortable  Obudu  Ranch Resort  Chalets.