Tuesday, October 29, 2013


                              TRAGEDY    IN     SAHARA  DESERT


 On  Monday 28th  of  October, 2013,  35  out  of  60 Africans going  to  Europe   through  Niger  republic across the  SAHARA  DESERT  were  reported  dead  due  to  lack  of  water.

According  to  the  report , the  Africans  left   ARLIT  in   two  vehicles.  Along  the  way , one  of the vehicles broke  down  and  the  travellers  broke  into   small  groups  .

A   group started  walking  back  to get some spare parts for  the  vehicle. By  the time  they  got  to  Arlit  and  got some assistance from  the  army, it  was  too late for   those they left  behind.

Please,  i  would  appreciate   your comment  on  this  story.

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