Saturday, December 7, 2013

                    NELSON   MANDELA  A  MAN OF HISTORY DIES  AT 95

Nelson  Mandela  the  former  president  of  South  Africa  and  world  statesman  died  at  home  on  Thursday  November 5, 2013 due  to  a prolong lung  sickness. He  was   aged  95 years.

Nelson  Mandela  left  many good  legacies. He showed  an  exemplary  political  leadership  and  lived  a life of  dignity  and   humility.

 He  was  imprisoned  for his political  views for 27  years  in    Robben  Island  in South Africa.  

He  was  eventually  released  in  1990.
                                                           Robben  Island


                                                    Entrance  to the  prison

                                                  Nelson  Mandela  standing in  his cell

                                                  Below:    inside his cell 

 Robben  Island   is  now World Heritage site  and  museum.

I  join  millions  of  people around   the  world  to  mourn  the  death  of this great man

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